Make your Site a Smart Sales Manager

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Website Personalization

This is Part 2 of a three-part series on Website Personalization.

  • If you would like to read about the importance of Personalization – go to Part 1
  • If you would like to know what you could change about your site – go to Part 3
If the World Wide Web is a parallel universe, your Websites are your headquarters and your Showroom. We suggest you seat-in a Smart Sales Manager there, as well.

Upgrade your Website as a Sales Funnel

You can do this by personalizing your site to each target group segment with the aim of invoking intent in each visitor 

Step 1: Analysing site visitors 

Step 2: Customizing Site Elements as per User Insights

Get an insight into these Steps and…

The Result? A Dynamic Website that acts as a Smart Sales Man

Why does eCommerce personalization work?

Step 1: Analysing Site Visitors

Analyzing website traffic involves: Gathering data about the visitors, and learning about their behavior. You could then use this information to gain insights into the performance and effectiveness of your website.

This means:

  • Understand the Source of the Visitors
  • The Device they were using
  • Their Age, Gender, and Location – Demographic data
  • Their Flow Behaviour – how they moved when they were on your website

These are the cornerstones to understanding the Conversion Funnel from the Users’ point of view.

  • Sources could be: A Social Media Campaign Post, a Google Ad or Search Keywords, or Social Media Ad campaign
  • Devices are: Mobile, Desktop, Tablet
  • Demographics can be understood as  Location, Age, Gender
  • Page/ Visitor Stats are – Visit count, Session duration, Pages visited, Bounce rate, Heat Map, etc

How is this information Insightful?

Let’s dive into a scenario

  1. Social Media Ad for Designers X Mobile X Delhi NCR X Webinar Event
  2. Search Keywords by Purchase Managers X Desktop X Men X Product Category on the Shop Page
  3. Social Media Post for Pet Lovers X Mobile X Women X Spend more than 10s
  4. Social Media Post for Parents X Desktop X Above 30 X Spend more than 10s

Just by mentioning scenarios in the above format, you can make multiple Use-Cases, and tweak your User’s Entire Experience for their need.

Remember the crux of Website Traffic Analysis:

To understand how you could channel this data into actionable information, let’s move to the next Step.

Step 2: Customizing Site Elements as per User Insights

UX Design x UI Design x Content x Images

Website Design: 

Eg: Personalised Product Carousel, Website Content Copy Messaging, UX, Images – on the basis of Geo-Location, Source, Date and Time, visit count, discounts, etc

For A. Social Media Ad for Designers X Mobile X Delhi NCR X First Visit

Social Media Ad for Designers X Mobile X Delhi NCR X Webinar Event

UX Updates – Mobile Screen size, Quick-loading Design elements

Images – Image type, Size and Resolution, Quick loading

– Mobile-first development 

– Specific Audience group mapped to targeted Design, Content, and Images on the same or separate page as per views

– Quick loading scripts and other code elements

For D. Social Media Post for Parents X Desktop X Above 30 X Spend more than 10s

– Desktop development

– Specific Audience group mapped to targeted Design, Content, and Images on the same or separate page as per views

– Quick loading scripts and other code elements

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some random heading comes here as well

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